22/02//2019 This is week 4 of five-weeks long project. Last week, we requested a stand for the projector and kinect hence the mechanic came in and took the measurement of the sandbox. The new stand has arrived this week and we immediately equipped it with a new projector and Kinect . It has more flexibility than the tripod we had before. the Xbox Kinect is positioned right above the sandbox and centered so that it can detect every point in the box so it will prevent blind spot. We adjusted the position of the sandbox so the image the projector produce fills the entire sandbox. Measuring and getting the optimal distance between the sensor and the sandbox. The left image shows the process of calibration which is required to prepare an image (in our case a continuous live image capture) for subsequent data extraction and analysis, fixes tiny defects in the camera sensor or an optical system. Meanwhile, the projector is running some calibration test pattern...
The blog for year 2 project "Augmented Reality Interactive Sandbox " in University of Liverpool.